CWWC 2016: Challenge #8

I got entries from . . .

NarniaAslan image source

Points: 64

DragonsMystery Class logo source

Points: 63

KeepersBlack Swan logo source

Points: 85

Half-BloodTrident image source

Points: 52

If you wrote your story, but don’t see your name on the list, let me know and I’ll fix that.

Challenge #8 prompts . . .







For extra points, you can use prompts from previous CWWC 2016 challenges. Like, if you used the picture from Challenge #1 of the girl lying on the ground (or any previous prompt) in this story or one in the future, you would get an extra point for each one. The catch here is that with more prompts, it’s harder to craft a story that makes sense.

Write a story (or poem) inspired by the prompts. I’ll give you two points just for turning in a story, and one point for every prompt you weave into it.

Your stories are due by midnight on May 28th.

Once you’ve finished your story, either comment on this post with a link or email it to me at

At the beginning of your CWWC post, please make sure to say which prompts you used. This makes it so much easier to tally up the points.

Get writing! :D


74 thoughts on “CWWC 2016: Challenge #8

  1. Lily says:

    Loren, is it okay if I get inspiration for the prompts, but don’t follow them exactly? For example, the powdery thingy in the first picture are drugs in my story – I need it to be that way or it won’t have the right effect.
    Great prompts by the way! :)


  2. Jaclynn says:

    Those bottles are beautiful. They make me happy. XD
    Sorry, I didn’t post my story! I was just having a really hard time… I’ll definitely post this story, though! :)


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