fellowship of the bloggers

want me to add you to the fellowship of the bloggers? just drop me a comment.


photography blogs:

Maddy’s Digital Diary | maddysdigitaldiary.wordpress.com

Through Open Lens | throughopenlens.com


book blogs:

On the Other Side of Reality | ontheothersideofreality.org

Redhead with a Book | redheadwithabook.wordpress.com

Forever and Everly | foreverandeverly.wordpress.com


faith blogs:

Precious Moments | creatingpreciousmoments.blogspot.com

A Purpose and a Promise | apurposeandapromise.blogspot.com

Madi Grace | madigrace.org

Cora’s Bits and Pieces |corasbitsandpieces.wordpress.com


writing blogs:

Josie on the Go | www.josieonthego.com

Drawn to Writing | drawntowriting.blogspot.com

PROMPTUARIUM | promptuarium.wordpress.com

Caught Daydreaming | happydayswithanonymousa.blogspot.com

A Notebook, One Pen, and Me | anotebookonepenandme.wordpress.com

From the Tip of Grace’s Pen | pensandcastlesonacloud.wordpress.com

Reveries | kellynroth.wordpress.com

Head in the Clouds | headintheclouds913.wordpress.com

Dreamer’s Dreams | dreamersdreamsblog.wordpress.com

Near but Far | nearbutfarsite.wordpress.com

The Bus Stop | findthebusstop.wordpress.com

A Young Writer’s Dream | ayoungwritersdream.wordpress.com

The Musical Muser | themusicalmuser.wordpress.com

This Journey Called Life | this-journeycalled-life.blogspot.com

My Hobbit Hole | beesandbutterflys.wordpress.com

Melodies, Pens, & Tea | melodiespensandtea.wordpress.com

Little Miss Fluffet | littlemissfluffet.com

The Realm of Writing | therealmofwriting.wordpress.com

Bursts of Inspiration | myburstsofinspiration.wordpress.com


lifestyle blogs:

A Barefoot Gal | abarefootgal.wordpress.com

A Farm Girl’s Life | afarmgirlslife.wordpress.com

Flourishing by Restful Falls | flourishingbyrestfulfalls.wordpress.com

Liv a Little | livalittleblog.com

Hot Town Cool Girl | hottowncoolgirl.blogspot.com

For All Who Wander | for-all-who-wander.blogspot.com

Charis Rae | charisrae.com

Mirror Me | thesecretlifeofanirishdancer.blogspot.com


musing blogs

In the Depths of Dreams | hobbitsathogwarts.blogspot.com

Cereal for Breakfast | lets-be-lost.blogspot.com

north two south | northtwosouth.wordpress.com

Dear Universe | denmother01.wordpress.com

Bernie’s Musing and Doings | berniesmusingsanddoings.wordpress.com

Day-Dreamer, Night-Thinker | moonsworlds.blogspot.com


art/craft blogs

The Art Lab | theartlab.wordpress.com

Ashley’s Crochet Corner | ashleysyarnworks.blogspot.com

Crochet Buddies | crochetbuddies.com

Crafts of All Seasons | craftsofallseasons.wordpress.com

Seasonal Sanity | seasonalsanity.blogspot.com



alternate galaxy | tothestarsandneverback.wordpress.com

the youngest perks |theyoungestperks.blogspot.com

Starling | starling7.wordpress.com

Krista’s Blog | kristanatasha.wordpress.com

Coughing Up Cat Hair | coughingupcathair.wordpress.com

WordPress Kid Blogs | dandelionsanddaisys.wordpress.com

The Talk With Moi | thetalkwithmoi.com

The Island of Me | theislandofmeblog.wordpress.com

Quills, Pens, and Ink Pots | quillspensandinkpots.wordpress.com

The Daydreaming Damsel | thedaydreamingdamsel.wordpress.com

Expensive Rainbows | claireybearymindreader.wordpress.com

b l u r r y f a c e | lostinmyownworldblog.wordpress.com

Colorful Ideas | ourcolorfulideas.wordpress.com

Sun on a Cloudy Day | asunonacloudyday.wordpress.com

Mixing Colors and Writing Words | autumnsongsdanielle.blogspot.com

A Light in the Darkness | graciechicksblog.wordpress.com

Cuddly Critters Blog | cuddlycrittersblog.wordpress.com

Alone Together | blogalonetogether.wordpress.com

138 thoughts on “fellowship of the bloggers

  1. charli says:

    hi loren – it would be lovely if you could add my blog into the ‘other’ category. :)

    starfreckld – thesehopefulhappenings.wordpress.com

    – charli :)


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