Three Ways to Improve Your Writing

Three Ways to Improve Your Writing

Hello! Today, I’m going to share three simple tips to help improve your writing.

1. When you’re writing your first draft, just write it. It doesn’t matter if it sounds dumb, write it down. You can always edit later.

2. To make your characters realistic, you need to give them fears and flaws. Nobody is perfect, and everyone is scared of something.

3. -ly words. Otherwise known as adverbs that end in -ly. Here’s an example:

“He left,” she said.

In that sentence, I haven’t told the readers how she is saying “He left.” She could be saying it heart brokenly, joyfully, flatly, whatever. If you add -ly words, it will help show your readers how your characters are doing/saying stuff.

I hope these tips will help you!

Do you have any writing tips you’d like share? Leave them in the comments!

December/Christmas blogging challenge

{Image belongs to Kathryn}

Moving on to the third day of The Christmas Challenge!

Favorite Christmas Cookie

gingerbread man clipart



gingerbread man


They’re adorable, and so much fun to decorate.

shrek "not my gumdrop buttons!" gif


My love for gingerbread may have something to do with this movie. ^.^ It’s just fun to squeal, “Not my gumdrop buttons!”

ninja gingerbread men ninjabread


We have ninja cookie cutters, so we can make ninjabread men! :D

What’s your favorite type of cookie?


Me with my best friends: These people need help, but I am not professionally qualified to provide it.

28 thoughts on “Three Ways to Improve Your Writing

    • Loren says:

      Thank you, Ms. AGDoll!

      Just wondering, have you decide whether you would like to participate in CWWC? You wouldn’t have to write every story if it didn’t fit into your schedule.


      • Ms. AGdoll says:

        Hi, sorry I didn’t respond sooner!

        And no, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be participating in CWWC. I just don’t have enough time right now. :( But, if you ever do another writing camp, I’ll (hopefully!) do it that time!

        And I saw that you got an amazing response! Is this your first time hosting a writing camp? It looks really interesting & fun.

        ~Ms. AGdoll~ :)


  1. samanthadolls says:

    Great tips! My tip would be that the pieces of your story puzzle have to always fit together. For example if your character threw a chocolate bar out the window, to put a twkstvin the story, her dog ate it and now has to go to the vet. Every story also needs to have conflict or tragedy. It would be pretty boring to read about a !and where everything is perfect and all is happiness. Instead, maybe a rebel from the “perfect” land could lead a group to defeat the perfect people and prove that people have to have flaws. Hope this helps!
    My favorite cookie would have to be sugar cookies!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Misty says:

    Nice tips! Ha ha, do you mean adverbs that end with with an -ly suffix? I’m pretty sure you do, and I have to agree with you there. Your reader is trying to create a visual in their mind of what’s happening and in order to that, they need some more detail and description of how something looks/feels/etc.You just have to be careful that you don’t use too many, or your storyline will be difficult to follow and your reader might start losing interest. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. samanthadolls says:

    Also, I think it would be SOncool if you did a guest post on redheadwithabook sometime soon! Maybe I could email you some interview questions for you to answer! What do you think?


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