PTPWC: The Gray Warrior

Hey! I’m here with another short story. This one is for Samantha’s PTPWC. I’m on Team Magenta. Samantha, I used my team’s color to describe a sunrise, so I get a few extra points, right?

Anyway . . . my story. :)

The Gray Warrior

The world is at war. Light against dark. Good against evil. Right against wrong.

The sides can be distinguished by their garb. The light side — the “good” side — is adorned in white. Proud and determined, the warriors’ filmy clothes float around them in the breeze. The dark side, the vile, the enemies — they are dressed in sturdy metal armor, the color of the night.

“Attack!” orders the commander of the dark side, thrusting his glinting sword into the air.

“Attack!” echoes the light side’s leader. She raises her twisted staff.

Before the armies begin their charge, a new challenger appears on the battlefield. He is dressed in gray. A hood shields his face, and his boots make no sound as he approaches the armies. They have paused, studying this gray-clad fellow. They will make no move until they know which side he is on.

The man reaches out his gloved hand. He utters one word: “Peace.”

Stone creeps up the legs of the soldiers on both sides, rooting them to the ground. It crawls up their legs, and the more they wriggle and cry, the faster the stone encases them. Within moments, the battlefield is silent. Warriors, frozen in stone, show no sign of life. They look like statues, and that is how they will remain.

The sun peeks over a mountain range, peering down on the battlefield. A magenta glow is cast over the newly created statues.

“I am sorry,” the mysterious gray-clad man whispers to the statues. “But this war would have consumed you.” He salutes the leader of each side. Soundlessly, he turns and walks away into the fog.

He is the Gray Warrior, keeping peace in the silent world. He is neither light nor dark; neither good nor evil. He is simply the Gray Warrior, who believes that things are not so black and white.


Anyway, as I’m sure most of you know (I’ve been talking about it for awhile, after all), my first soccer game of the season was today! My team won, 7 – 1 (or 2, not sure which. :P ). While I didn’t score a goal this time (I almost scored one), I did a couple of assists.

Yeah. Bye.


22 thoughts on “PTPWC: The Gray Warrior

  1. wizepuppy says:

    Ahh, I loved this one as well! Very good. :)
    Good job on your game! :D And don’t feel too bad, I’m usually just a goalie most of the time anyways when I play, so I can’t make any points. 😜
    ~ Suzy


    • Loren says:

      Thank you!

      I’ll probably score sometime this season — it was only the first game, after all. ;) Wow — I could never play goalie! I’m no good at it. Anyway, goalies *can* score . . . a few years ago, my team’s goalie kicked the ball, and it sailed all the way across the field, in the air. It hit the other goalie in the head and rolled into the goal. :)

      Liked by 1 person

      • wizepuppy says:

        HAHA! Sorry, that was just so hilarious. Yeah, I would do that if I could, but unfortunately, I lack those skills. Usually the other goalie catches it even if I tried. :P
        ~ Suzy

        Liked by 1 person

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