NaNoWriMo Prep

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With NaNoWriMo 2016 starting in just over a week, now is the time to panic!

Whenever I have a bad day, I just remember that someone cosplayed the wacky waving inflatable tube man.


Now then. I’ll be making a list of some things you should do before November 1st.

Buy Dark Chocolate

I don’t care if you like dark chocolate or not, it is necessary for your survival. Eat so many pieces of chocolate once you reach your daily wordcount goal — or you could eat while writing, too.

Most Glorious notebooks

I don’t know about you, but having a pretty notebook dedicated solely to my story is really helpful. Once you pick a notebook, carry it with you everywhere! You never know when inspiration will strike.

Plot, plot, plot!

Even if you’re a pantster, it’s nice to have at least a vague idea of where your novel is going. I did a post about how to make a plot board last year — check it out here.

Develop Your Characters

No one wants to read about another Mary Sue. Try to make you characters as lifelike as possible, which means they need flaws, fears, and dreams. Character questionnaires are a great way to make realistic characters. In the Resources section of the new YWP website, you can access the Novelist Workbooks. Pages 12 – 14 of the high school workbook has a nice questionnaire.

Shout it out

Announcing that you’re participating in NaNoWriMo does wonders for your confidence and motivation, especially if you have writer friends that will cheer you on. Make a post about your novel, and give updates throughout the month.

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? What is your novel about? And what would you add to this post?


32 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Prep

  1. Grace (The Girl Upstairs) says:


    Ahem. I’ve gotten character development done for the most part…I usually let my characters develop as I go along. World-building is done and I’m finishing up my outline, which is just a simple bullet outline. I’m really excited and nervous!


  2. Sarah @ Classically Yours says:

    Help! How is November/NaNoWriMo/Month Of Inescapable Panic already so close?!

    On another note, these are really helpful tips! Especially the notebook one . . . the problem is that I currently have about sixteen different partly-written-in notebooks lying around. (The reason being that I hate writing in a notebook that isn’t blank.)


  3. Anika says:

    IT’S SO CLOSE!!! *screams*

    Okay, so, my game plan is to: 1 – plot like never before. 2 – write 5K on the first day. And 3 – hardly write at all before NaNo starts and then dive (write ;) ) in when it starts.

    My novel is about a fourteen year old girl named Janelle who is starting her last year of middle school in a new town because her Dad died recently and her Mom got a new job offer in a different town. Janelle makes four new friends right away, but also encounters Rockan and her cliche. Rocksan is trying to live two lives; 1 – in school as the pretty, popular girl. 2 – living with her large family in a small apartment without much money. So… Rocksan doesn’t particularly like Janelle, and they get into this whole battle. Finally, Rocksan reveals a horibble secret from her past to Janelle and the war is over – Janelle gives up. She turns to a friend hopelessly, who gives her some pointers and types (and sympathy ;) ) So, Janelle gets back on her feet and moves on from her past with the help of her Mom and God.

    Phew! That was long! You asked me, so I answered. ;) :P

    -Anika ❤️


  4. Allison says:

    You almost made me want to do NaNoWriMo! :D It does sound really neat and fun, but also rather stressful. :D I hope it goes well for you and all the other participants!


  5. C. says:

    *crys and wails* NaNo!!!!!!!! Yes, dark chocolate!! *nods* When they let us have writing buddies, do you want to be a writing buddies with me? My username is CookieandKeeperFan. If you don’t want to be, that’s totally fine!!


  6. Audrey says:

    Me: Okay, time to come up with a character name!
    *2 hours later*
    Finally, now personality traits!
    *10 hours later*
    Now I have to do the other characters… *dies* I GIVE UP

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Madison (Delightful World of Dolls) says:

    Are you doing Camp NaNo this year? I have no idea what I’m doing, if I should do Camp NaNo in April or July, do NaNo in November on the regular or YWP site… I just signed up on the site before realizing most of my online friends are on the YWP. *facepalm*


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