// cwwc | challenge five //

hello, my friends!

hopefully i’ll post something other than cwwc soon. but bear with me for now. :)

i got entries from the names in bold:

ellie (hope in full)
rebekah (head in the clouds)
jordan (daythinker nightdreamer)
daisymermaid (the girl with auburn hair)
audrey (please just one more page)
allison (a farm girl’s life)
mia (creative castle)
cora (cora’s bits and pieces)
c.a. peetz (cliff’s brink)

points from this round: 28

total points: 108

lauren (comma hangover)
  clara (clara and co.)
sari (penumbra reviews)
rose (sun on a cloudy day)
hope (the nerd notebook)
arunima (dreamer’s dreams)

points from this round: 27

total points: 101

olive (hidden hollow ag crafts)
jess (the artful author)
danielle (near but far)
suzy (ends&odds)
k.a. (bursts of inspiration)
wysteria (head in the clouds)
charis (charis rae)

points from this round: 36

total points: 113

 chloe (my hobbit hole)
megan (a barefoot gal)
annecy (free fallin’ girls)
orchid (crochet buddies)
sarah (for all who wander)
kiki (the thoughts of a girl with aspergers)
nicole (worlds beyond words)
anika (this journey called life)
carol (peeking through a kaleidoscope)

points from this round: 33

total points: 150

team hogwarts and team half-blood have both lost a member, so each team will be getting four extra points each round to make up for it.

if you wrote a story, but don’t see your name on the list, let me know so i can fix it.

here are the prompts for the fifth challenge:

Execution of the butterfly


rainydaysandblankets: “ And Then You // Greg Laswell ”



your stories for the fifth challenge are due by midnight on august 20th.

write a story/poem/whatever inspired by these prompts. you’ll get two points for posting the story within the time limit, and one point for every prompt you use.

at the beginning of your cwwc post, please make sure to say how many prompts you used. this makes it so much easier for me to count up the points.

once you’ve finished your story, leave a comment on this post with a link to it. for those submitting their stories by email: send it to me at happyhouseofag@gmail.com.

feel free to display your team’s button on your blog.

have fun. :)



53 thoughts on “// cwwc | challenge five //

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