Sunrise Photography


About a month ago, I was up really early, and the sun was just coming over the mountains, so I decided to take some pictures of the sunrise. Now, if you’ve never tried to take photos outside at 7:00, then let me tell you, it is not easy.


It took me awhile to figure out what setting on my camera to use, but once I figured it out, the pictures started looking really nice.

Well, in my opinion, anyway . . .

 Whatever. Just enjoy the photos of the sunrise. :)







Misty mountains ♥ (Obviously not the Misty Mountains, you know, from The Hobbit . . .)




Sunrises are so beautiful, but we’re rarely awake to see them. At least, I know that I’m rarely awake to see them. I don’t know about you, but waking up at dawn just to see the sunrise doesn’t exactly fit in my scheduled xD

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?


P.S. Anyone see my NaNoWriMo 2015 Participant web badge? That’s right, I’m taking on the challenge. Who’s with me?

36 thoughts on “Sunrise Photography

  1. Hayley says:

    The first picture of the misty field and the last one are my favorite. They are breath taking! I love sunrises, if I’m actually awake ;). I’ve seen NaNoWriMo roaming around, what exactly is it?


  2. CutePolarBear says:

    The photos are really pretty! I usually don’t see either, because I’m usually not awake to see sunrises, and even if I am, my bedroom window is not facing the right side(east). And sunsets are blocked by our pine trees. But sunsets are very pretty! :)



  3. littlehouseofamericangirl says:

    These pictures are so pretty! And I love the Hobbit mention, too ;) over here I have what I call “My Lonely Mountain” cause he looks like he’s making a mad face and I just say it’s because he’s lonely LOL! XD
    And I’m totally gonna check out that nanowrimo thingy! I doubt I can write a novel in a month, but it seems cool all the same :)


    • Loren says:

      NaNoWriMo is a free program. How long the novel is is up to you — you get to set your own word count goal. Mine is 15,000. Starting on November 1st, you write a book about whatever you want, and if you reach your word count goal by the end of November, then you can get a company to send you five (I think that’s the right number) paperback copies of your book for free. Plus you get to say that you’ve written a novel :) If you decide to join, you could friend me on the site — my username is SecretKeeper001.

      Liked by 2 people

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