CWWC 2016: And the Winner is . . .


I’m sure you guys are all dying to know who won CWWC 2016, but you’re just going to have to wait a second while I tally up the points.

I got entries from . . .

NarniaAslan image source

Points: 176

DragonsMystery Class logo source

Points: 138

KeepersBlack Swan logo source

Points: 185

Half-BloodTrident image source

Points: 161

Alright. The moment you’ve all been waiting for.

Who won CWWC 2016?















Fourth place goes to . . .













Team Dragons!

4th place

You earned a total of 577 points.











Third place goes to . . .













Team Half-Blood!

3rd Place

You earned a total of 608 points.














Second place goes to . . .

















Team Narnia!

2nd place

You earned a total of 651 points!














First place goes to . . .













Team Keepers!

1st place

You earned 660 points!

They secured the title for the second year in the row! There must be some sort of elf magic cast around their team. ;)

Everyone, feel free to put your team’s image on your blog’s sidebar. That’s why I made them, after all!

I want to say thank you to everyone who participated this year. It makes me really happy that you all like CWWC so much. I’ll host it again — next summer, definitely, maybe sooner. There will be a few differences (what changes would you like to see?), but it will still be the same writing camp that you guys love. :)


74 thoughts on “CWWC 2016: And the Winner is . . .

  1. Rachael says:

    Team Half-Blood, YOU’RE AWESOME!!!!! You guys persevered to the end!!!!!!
    WOOHOO, KEEPERS!!!!!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Maddie says:

    Good Job Keepers! . I tried my best and had fun, and that’s what matters. It would have been nice to win though. I don’t have to put the image on my blog, right?

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Geeky_Girl says:

    KEEPERS YAY!! :D We did amazing and all the other teams did awesome too! Yes Loren the elven magic surrounded us as we wove our path to victory!! :) Congrads to all the other teams!! :D Everyone did awesome!! GO KEEPERS!! :D *party dance* woo!! ;)
    I can’t wait for next year… you should do a mini writing camp in the fall Loren!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. CutePolarBear says:

    Congratulations, Keepers! Even though we Narnians didn’t win… :P Everyone did a great job! Loren, this was really fun. Thank you for hosting it! :)
    I would definitely like to participate again. Some changes I would like to see is a longer deadline and maybe the total score of all the teams each challenge.


    Liked by 5 people

  5. Grace (The Girl Upstairs) says:

    WOO!!! *cheers* YAY FOR TEAM KEEPERS!!! I’m THRILLED to get to participate with such awesome teammates! :D
    All the teams have done an amazing job…I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s stories! Great job, guys!
    Loren, thank you SO MUCH for hosting CWWC! I’m THRILLED to get to participate this time!

    ~Grace <3

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Misty says:

    Ah! CONGRATS, EVERYONE! All the teams did a SPECTACULAR job…!
    As for Keepers….you guys better watch out next year…we Narnians were scary close at y’all’s heels. :P
    Thank you once again, Loren, for hosting this. This challenge has encouraged so many bloggers to start writing. Greatly looking forward to next time!
    *gives everyone one more round of very intense applause*

    Liked by 5 people

  7. wizepuppy says:

    That was all really close.
    We may not have gotten 2nd, but we were only 50 points behind! ;)
    And congrats to Keepers! You guys did great. :)
    ~ Suzy

    Liked by 8 people

  8. Megan says:

    NOOOOOO!!! We lost by 9 points. :'( GAH! Oh well. :/ Congrats, Keepers! You all did amazing! :D And Narnians, you did too! And Half Bloods and Dragons! :D YAY! CWWC is sooo much fun. :)

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Clara says:

    *deep breath*
    All the teams did great! This has been SO much fun!
    Hmm.. changes… if you could give us more time to submit our stories, that would be great! It was really hard to get my stories in on time since I only had 2-3 days. :) I had tons of fun though! Thank you for hosting this challenge, Loren!! :)

    -Clara <3

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Allison says:

    *SNIFF* NOOOO, WE LOST. :( Oh well, good try, Team Dragons! GREAT job, everyone!
    Loren, thanks so much for hosting this! You did a wonderful job!! I really like some of the stories that I wrote inspired by your prompts!
    As for any suggestions for the next CWWC, I would appreciate if the next one was maybe a bit more centered around writing rather than points. Sometimes it seemed like getting all the prompts into your story, no matter if it made sense or not, was more important than taking time to really write a good story. Anyway, just a suggestion.
    Also, I was wondering if you could maybe make the deadline longer? (Of course, maybe I would still procrastinate until 10:00 on the last day anyway. XD )
    Thanks again, SO MUCH, Loren!! This is a wonderful writing challenge! ♥

    Liked by 10 people

    • CutePolarBear says:

      Yeah, I kind of agree with your suggestion. Using all the past prompts was good in one sense, because it created more of a challenge, but because you used all of the same prompts, (and three different ones) the different stories seemed the same and unoriginal.


      Liked by 3 people

  11. Jaclynn says:

    Congratulations to all the teams! Even if we didn’t win, for me, it’s not about that- it’s about improving my writing skills and having fun writing my stories :)
    Some changes I would like to see are:
    1. No using previous prompts. I personally didn’t like that option (no offense meant here). I felt insanely pressured to use as many prompts as possible and started to not have as much fun because of that. I got tired of reusing the same prompts and I feel like having this option made people go insane and only think about using as many prompts as possible and winning instead of making good stories that make sense. It wasn’t the same quality and to me, this challenge should be about quality and improving your writing skills, not cramming in a bunch of prompts wherever possible just to win.
    2. I’d also like a longer deadline. 3 days was so hard for me to do with how busy I’ve been lately. So maybe a week would be better XD
    I’m sorry if I sounded rude, Loren. I didn’t mean to, I just wanted you to know how I felt about this :)
    You really do a great job at running this whole thing – I honestly don’t know how you do it! Thank you for all the work you put into this challenge :)

    Liked by 10 people

  12. K.A. says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEARLY SCREAMED!!! My sister was looking at me crazily as I ‘whooed’ out loud! XD :D XD XD XD xD xD :P Hahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEK!! Yaaaay!! :) :D Whoo hooo!!!! :D :P I’m so happy! :D Everyone else did GREAT too! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!! :) :D

    Liked by 2 people

  13. thegirlofmanyfictionalnames says:

    Good job Dragons!!! I agree with Jaclynn and Allison about the prompts. I like to create a new original amazing story for each challenge, and I felt pressured to use as many prompts as I could (which I only did for the last challenge . . . ). I DO think the deadline could be a little longer, maybe 5 days would be best . . . Thanks Loren for hosting this! It was fun! :D ;)

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Bella (Book Sweet) says:

    YAAAAAAYYY!!!!! Great job everyone!!! Don’t feel bad, Team Dragons… Better luck next time!!! Great job, Team Half-Blood!!! Way to go!! Everyone’s stories were fantastic!!!! Thank you sooooooo much, Loren, for hosting this!!!! ~Bella <3

    Liked by 3 people

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