// 8•19•17 | county fair //

i was able to go to the fair with a few of my friends last saturday (k, b, and two who i’ve never talked about before: emily and adam). summer has come to a close, school started yesterday for me, and my best friends and i aren’t going to the same co-op anymore. it felt like a last hurrah. a toast to summer and all-nighters and lost loves. the happy ending to the chapter where we saw each other every friday. it was exciting and sad.

i met up with my friends in the barn with the poultry and rabbits. then we explored the art exhibit. we stood in line for about twenty minutes just to buy tickets for the rides. adam let a young woman cut in front of us because she offered him five dollars.

adam is quite weird. he kept bumping into us and trying to push us in front of oncoming golf carts. he got slapped often that night. i don’t feel bad for him.

we were going to fight each other — brawl right there in the middle of the street. i was pretty confident that i could beat him, but k and emily wouldn’t let us. they’re no fun.

fair food is greasy and too sweet and exactly the kind of thing to enjoy with friends. k and i shared a funnel cake.

zero gravity ride.

it’s not blurry, it’s aesthetic.

round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go. will i ever catch up to love? i could never tell. (carousel // melanie martinez)

the typhoon is my favorite ride at the fair. i didn’t get to go on it this time, though.

i kept trying to sneak pictures of my friends. k and adam got pretty ticked at me. :)

b had to leave before too long, which was a bit disappointing. we missed you, my dear.

the only ride we went on was the ferris wheel. we waited in line for about half an hour. it wasn’t that bad, really. we made fun of my friend’s deadbeat boyfriend who bailed on her, complained about the line a lot, etc. adam had a soda and was threatening to pour it on my head. i dared him to, because i would have been able to slap him for it without getting in trouble. but he was actually decent enough not to dump the soda on me (shocking!!).

cotton candy clouds.

the top of a ferris wheel at twilight is a sweet, romantic place, right? k was hoping to ruin someone’s date, so she started singing “i hate you, i love you, i hate that i want you” at the top of her lungs.

sitting at the top of a ferris wheel makes me feel like i am part of something bigger. lights on the ground, lights in the sky, lights in my friends’ eyes. the people buzzing about on the earth appear as we really are: tiny. there’s a breeze lifting the damp hair off my neck and i can hear music and laughter from below. this must be what it feels like to be infinite.

on a fault line, late night
underneath the stars we came alive
and singing to the sky just felt right
i won’t forget the good times

while the punks started picking fights
with the skater kids under city lights
remember how we laughed till we cried
i won’t forget the good times

i never want to leave this sunset town
but one day the time may come
and i’ll take you at your word
and carry on

i’ll hate the goodbye
but i won’t forget the good times

good times // all time low



33 thoughts on “// 8•19•17 | county fair //

  1. mckenna says:

    great pictures :) i really like the ones from the top of the ferris wheel. emily told me all about your visit. it sounded fun.

    i went to the fair twice this year, both times with friends. i didn’t stay super late or get pictures so i couldn’t do a post :( but it’s alright. i still had a good time.

    i haven’t met adam in person but i’ve talked to him some. he is very weird. but in a good way.

    WE NEED TO HANG OUT, FELLOW FRIEND OF MINE. we could have a day full of bands, photography, ukuleles, flower crowns, food, and some.




    • loren ☾ litost says:

      thanks! it was quite fun.

      the fair is really fun to photograph, there are so many lights and bright colors. hopefully you can get some pictures next year.

      “but in a good way.” DEBATABLE.

      yes!! that sounds great. :D your mom could call/email mine so they can figure out when we can hang out.

      xo loren

      Liked by 1 person

      • mckenna says:

        i’m glad :)

        i hope so too. i need a camera first though. i’m saving up right now for my own.

        true XD

        definitely. i’ll have her do that soon :))



        Liked by 1 person

  2. Samantha says:

    *singing along to good times at the top of my lungs* *my mother asking what’s wrong*
    Your photos are just too pretty, I want to literally set them all as my screen savers. But my cat will hate me if I take her picture down from my lock screen. I want to go on a ferris wheel soooo badly, it looks so bright and amazing. My family and I usually go to Santa Cruz every year, but this year we didn’t and I was really sad because now I don’t have an aesthetically pleasing beach photos. How is you day going? Mine was miserable. But at least I got chocolate chip cookies.


    • loren ☾ litost says:

      thank you so much!! :D dude, you’ve never been on a ferris wheel? that’s so sad. i hope you get to go to santa cruz next year, then. my day has been pretty boring, honestly. i hope the rest of your day is good, though. :)

      xo loren

      Liked by 1 person

  3. olivehiddenhollow says:

    oooh, a fair! how fun! :)
    why does she want to ruin somebody’s date? thats ru- oooh, pretty lights! :D
    Most crazily, ~a distractible Olive


  4. Allison says:

    Lovely post, Loren. ♥ I absolutely LOVE the pictures of the Ferris Wheel and the fair at night – you should have entered those in the online contest! They’re sooo good! Did you use a camera or a phone? We didn’t do much at the fair when we went except look at the Exhibit Hall, eat funnel cakes, and Megan and Jeff rode the Bumper Cars, but it was still a fun experience, like always. :)
    P. S. How is school?


    • loren ☾ litost says:

      thank you! i actually had no idea that there was an online contest. XD i brought my camera with me because i knew i wanted to take pictures.

      xo loren

      p.s. it’s awful, send help.


      • Allison says:

        Ha ha! Well that was wise, anyway. Usually when I think, “Nah, I won’t need my camera,” I’m like “AHHH WHERE IS MY CAMERA HELP.”
        P. S. Oh nooooo! Here, let me send help: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
        Is that better? I shall be praying for you, my dear. ♥ < One more for good measure.


  5. Jordan says:

    That looks so fun. I had no friends during the summer, which I actually didn’t mind. IF I was lonely I just had a conversation in my head with one of my friends. Hehe, I’m 94 percent introvert. Wonder why. XD
    … chasing after you is like a fairytale… (I know the song from the top of the post – finally a song here that I know! XD)

    P.S. How’s school? Is it ‘real’ school of homeschool? ‘
    P.P.S. I’ve been trying to get my mom to homeschool me because it’s been my dream since I was five and I’m tired of normal school and the stress and the drama and the bells. Any tips? ;)


    • loren ☾ litost says:

      it was! i have conversations in my head with my friends all the time. XD

      ooh, you like melanie martinez, too?

      xo loren

      p.s. it’s a bit overwhelming. i’m a part time student, so i go to school for two classes every other day, but i’m still at home the rest of the time.

      p.p.s. you don’t want to be homeschooled, trust me.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Orchid says:

    Beautiful photos and a beautiful post, Loren. *applause* Must have been bittersweet for you and your friends. :’)

    How is school going for you? Do you take online classes alongside classes at a physical school, or something along those lines? (I switched to mostly online courses over the last couple years, and the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner.) Just wondering. :)


    • loren ☾ litost says:

      thank you! yeah, it was.

      eh, it’s ok so far, i guess. i’m still homeschooled for the most part, i just go to public school for two classes every other day. i’m a part time student, basically.

      xo loren

      Liked by 1 person

      • Orchid says:

        Ahh, I see. Cool! It must be nice being in both “worlds,” so to speak. Hope the academic year goes wonderfully for you! :)


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