// q&a | help me, i’m bored //

hello, my flower children! i hope all is well.

i was very bored today. that led to playing video games with my brother, making him listen to panic! at the disco, and doing lots of pushups (aka no more than ten). oh, and i also took those math tests today. there were two of them — only one was timed. i think i did ok, but i’m really not sure. my mind started blanking about halfway through and i just guessed on some of them. oh well.

as i was saying, i’m bored. so! i’m doing a q&a. :D

just a warning, my answers are either going to be very sarcastic, or very strange and infp-ish.

leave your questions for me in the comments. i don’t really care what they’re about. if i think they’re too personal, i won’t include them in my q&a answers post. i’ll try to get that up on the 12th, so make sure to comment with your questions before then.


idk. go nuts, kids.

(oh, you should definitely go check out alternate galaxy. she’s such a lovely, interesting, beautiful person and i love her and she deserves lots of followers.)



61 thoughts on “// q&a | help me, i’m bored //

    • loren ☾ litost says:

      you could ask some questions that you think you already know the answers to, and see if you’re right. or you could find some questions by googling “questions for blogging tags” or something like that. :)

      xo loren

      Liked by 2 people

      • SimplyGone says:

        Who in our class is most likely to…

        Forget birthdays or anniversaries Be close to parents Be sleepy Be inpatient Fall whilst walking Laugh at the wrong moment Be a flirt Get married first Marry a celebrity Listen to classical music Always be happy Be a fan of Star Wars Skydive Have kids first Have an ugly date to prom Have a rich husband Be successful Accidental kill someone Spend all their money on something stupid Get a stalker Cry in a sad movie Talk to animals Be a drama queen Be a good cook Sing in the shower Be hungry 24/7 Fall in love Drop their phone after they bought them Hold their breath the longest Have the most piercings Give all their money to charity Ask stupid questions Take more selfies Be the best at math Worry about small things

        Liked by 1 person

  1. isabel 💜 says:

    ooh, fun! i love asking questions. here are mine. :)

    what’s your favorite book?

    what’s your favorite song?

    do you like hamilton? have you even listened to it? (i doubt it)

    what’s the last book you read?

    what are you reading right now?

    what do you want to be when you grow up?

    what time is it where you are?

    what’s your favorite color?

    do you have a goodreads account.

    what’s your favorite kind of popsicle?

    what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

    what’s your favorite food?

    what’s your favorite letter?

    who’s your favorite keeper of the lost cities character?

    who do you ship with who in keeper of the lost cities?

    what’s your favorite emoji?

    what did you just think of right now?

    do you like socks?

    what about rainbows?

    do you still read picture books occasionally? i do.

    do you ever write anything besides blog posts?

    what’s your advice for someone starting a personal blog?

    sorry, that’s a lot. well, not really sorry, but, you know. 😉

    isabel 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hayley says:

    Would you rather be hot or cold?
    What animals do you have right now?
    What’s your favorite candy?
    Chocolate or vanilla?
    What’s your favorite kind of pie, and with ice cream or no?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Danielle says:

    Yay! Q&A! Here are my questions.

    What’s your favorite book in the KOTLC series?
    What’s your favorite book?
    Have you finished writing ‘Shadow Bird’?
    What’s your favorite movie?
    What’s your favorite color?
    Are you in highschool?
    If your were an emoji, which one would it be?
    Do you enjoy laughing?
    If you could be in any movie, what movie would it be? Character in movie?
    If you could be in any book, what book would it be? Character in book?
    What is your dream job?
    Favorite texture?

    That’s all I have. Can’t wait to read your answers!


  4. Megan (A Barefoot Gal) says:

    I was bored too.
    Okay, here are some either or questions.
    Coke or Pepsi?
    Google or Bing? (hehe)
    Do you say supper or dinner?
    Football or baseball?
    And some other questions…
    Would you rather wear purple for a week or pink?
    Dresses or skirts? :P
    Okay, if I think of more I’ll comment again. ;)


  5. rebcake says:

    Oh, yay! I love asking questions!

    1. What’s an AG thing you want right now?
    2. What’s your favorite dessert?
    3. Who in your family do you spend the most time with?
    4. Would you rather always be fifteen minutes early or always be five minutes late?
    5. Do you prefer pencils or pens?

    Have fun! :D


  6. Samantha says:

    What is your favorite tree?
    What is your favorite candy?
    Watercolor or color pencils?
    Favorite emoji?
    3 favorite Christmas movies?
    Have you finished Courageous Hearts?
    Favorite Youtuber?
    Fuzzy Socks or fleece blanket?
    Do you like white chocolate?
    What is your favorite Baskin Robbins Ice cream flavor?
    Do you have any plans for this Summer?
    Would you rather be a unicorn or a mermaid?
    Do you like Starbucks?
    What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
    What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
    What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
    What food is delicious but a pain to eat?
    What was the last photo you took?
    What is the most amazing slow motion video you’ve seen?
    Where are some unusual places you’ve been?

    I bring you probably way too many questions, but take it as a compliment, because you are a super interesting person that I always like to get to know better. :)
    ~Sam <3

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ms. AGdoll says:

    I’ve got some questions! Although they may have already been asked. . . but here goes. :P

    What’s your favorite season?
    Favorite drawing instrument?
    What do you think of AG’s newest doll?
    Favorite summer activities?
    Favorite author?
    What’s the longest trip you’ve ever taken?
    Day or night?
    Have you ever stayed up all night?
    How many books do you have? XD XD
    Do you like tea?
    About how much time do you spend on the computer every day?
    Favorite school subject?
    Have you ever picked up a frog? (or anything similar :P )

    ~Ms. AGdoll~

    P.S. Sorry they’re so random. XD


  8. gracie chick says:

    How do you think that you can change the world?
    Writing or reading?
    Drawing/painting or photography?
    Favourite book ever?
    Your favourite word?
    The first five things you think when you hear your own name? (Sorry, I know this is a weird one)
    The first five things you think when you hear MY name?

    Hey Loren!

    Hope these are okay and get you thinking! Looking forward to your answers!

    Gracie xxx


  9. olivehiddenhollow says:

    oooooooh, questions! It always takes me forever to think them up, but i like thinking up interesting ones. :D
    what would you pick, to be able to fly, or to breath underwater?
    what’s your favorite tv show?
    what’s your favorite day of the week?
    do you like seeing movies in the theater, or at home?
    what’s one food you will never get tired of?
    popsicles or ice cream?
    if you where a demigod, would you rather have adhd or dyslexia?
    if you where a demigod, who would be your godly parent?
    if you where an elf in keeper, what ability would you want to manifest?
    if you where a dragon, what color would your scales be? (PURPLE!!)
    what’s your favorite video game?
    do you have any left handers in your family?
    have you read lodestar yet? what did you think of it?
    how excited are you for nightfall? (I think I might explode)
    what do you think the difference is between a fairy and a pixie?

    ok, I’m done. XD
    Most crazily, ~Olive


  10. Kathleen @dollsanddance says:

    I’m sure you did great on the test! Did you brother like P!ATD?
    Hey, sarcastic and INFP-ish answers are always the best. :)
    What is your OTP?
    What is the book that has made the biggest impression on you?
    What is a book that you have disliked?
    What are three book characters that you most relate to?
    Is there a song that you feel like describes you/your general mood?
    What is the farthest away from your house that you have ever traveled? (i.e. – have you been out of the country, a couple states away, etc.)
    What are some of the different ways people describe you, and how accurate/inaccurate would you say they are?
    What inspired you to write Courageous Hearts? (I know that’s a more personal question so of course don’t answer if you don’t want to :) )
    And I’m pretty sure someone has already asked, but what are your KOTLC ships? :P And your favorite character?
    Those are some really weird questions, I’m sorry. :P

    Have a nice day.


  11. Clara says:

    You can do a pushup? *shakes head* I will never understand how you superhuman people accomplish these things…
    I’m sure you did great on your tests. :)


    What is the most interesting thing you’ve seen today?
    Google or Bing?
    Favorite drawing out of all the ones you’ve done?
    What’s a goal that you have as of right now?
    Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
    Are you looking forward to learning how to drive?
    Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
    Last time you wrote a letter to someone?
    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    -Clara <3

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lexie says:

    What is your opinion on glitter pens?
    Short skirts or long skirts?
    What color is the hand towel in your bathroom?
    Do you know how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocous (Without copying me)?
    Would you rather hide in your room or make flower crowns with friends?


  13. Cherry Cola22 says:

    How long is your hair? Skirts or shorts? Elves or Hobbits? Favorite animal? Favorite movie? Favorite shoes? Winter or Summer? Favorite Starwars character? Favorite dessert and lunch?
    Ps: I’m an INTP🙃

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Rutvi says:

    2. Your thoughts on the song Happy by Pharrell Williams. (I hate it.)
    3. Blue or green?
    4. Would you rather have purple eyes or green eyes?
    5. Do you like llamas?
    6. Have you ever watched Twaimz or Lizzza on YouTube?
    7. Favorite thing about trees? (Idk, roll with it.)
    8. Apple or Samsung?
    9. Did you know that you can see if your breath smells by licking your wrist? (I’m awkward. Sorry.😂)
    10. What would be your ideal hair color if you could dye it?
    11. Have you finished reading Harry Potter?


  15. Simply Megan Joy says:

    1. Have you ever made popcorn over a fire?
    2. If you could travel back to the 1960s, would you rather meet the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?
    3. Have you ever climbed a mountain in the rain?
    4. Have you ever made a salad and then forgot to eat it because you were too busy watching a cooking show?
    5. Have you ever stayed awake for 36 hours straight?
    6. Are you tired of answering questions yet?
    – Megan Joy


What's on your mind?